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Required Reading

The following list is the “required reading” for patrons of the Bottom Line who want to obtain a greater understanding of Politics, History, Theology, and most importantly; Truth. (Note: This list is constantly growing, so check back often)



Crimes Against Liberty Crimes Against Liberty by David Limbaugh

In Crimes Against Liberty, David Limbaugh provides a systematic deconstruction of President Obama’s first term crimes against our Liberty. This is the essential book for those who want to know where President Obama has taken us, where he wants to take us, and how our Liberty is endangered because of his actions.

mark-levin Liberty and Tyranny by Mark R. Levin

In Liberty and Tyranny, Constitutional Lawyer Mark Levin sets up two contrasting viewpoints; that of the Conservative, and that of the Statist. Using the history of our Founding, he deals with the Liberty our nation was founded on and why it is important. For an understanding of why the Conservative viewpoint is that of Liberty, and the Statist’s is that of Tyranny, pick up Levin’s book today.

Men In Black Men In Black by Mark R. Levin

Mark Levin’s Men In Black takes on Activist Judges who have legislated from the bench, instead of doing their job; interpreting the Constitution. We must understand what our Court system is doing to us if we ever want to fix the problem; this is why Men In Black is a must read for every patriot.

ameritopia Ameritopia by Mark R. Levin 

Ameritopia; The Unmaking of America chronicles the many statist theories on how to obtain “Utopia”, and why none of them ever work. Levin then discusses intellectuals John Locke, and Charles De Montesquieu and their impact on our Founding Fathers. Finally, Levin discusses how we are currently in a post-constitutional America, an “Ameritopia.” Another essential book for anyone who is concerned about the future of America.

MarkLevin_LibertyAmendments_Cover__33917.1373489734.1280.1280 The Liberty Amendments by Mark R. Levin

Levin’s upcoming book The Liberty Amendments discusses using the Constitutionally provided Article 5 powers to amend the Constitution and take the power back from Washington DC.  Levin then offers his ideas for amendments to the Constitution that will increase our Liberty.

41CROTRK8NL Whatever It Takes by J.D. Hayworth

Whatever It Takes is a great book dealing with America’s Illegal Immigration problem, and former Representative J.D. Hayworth’s ideas on how to fix it. Even if you don’t agree with his solutions, Hayworth’s book gives an excellent background to the problem America continues to face; and is a book that everyone should read.



Heritage-Guide-copy The Heritage Guide to the Constitution by Edwin Meese III

The Heritage Guide to the Constitution, put together by former Attorney General Edwin Meese III, is an in-depth look into the meaning of the Constitution and its Amendments. The Heritage Foundation does a fantastic job in explaining the meaning of this Founding Document, making this book an asset to every American interested in our Supreme Law.  

Founders Almanac The Founders’ Almanac (Edited) by Matthew Spalding 

This book by Matthew Spalding allows the Founding Fathers to speak for themselves on a variety of issues, allowing us to gain a more complete understanding of the men who founded our great nation.

9780805426113_p0_v1_s260x420 From Tyndale to Madison by Michael Farris

Constitutional Lawyer Michael Farris lays out the reason why the death of an English Martyr led to the American Bill of Rights. From Tyndale to Madison is truly an important piece for Americans who want to understand our Founding history.

Lives of the signers Lives of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence by Benson J. Lossing (1848 Reprint) 

Lives of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence by Eminent Historian B.J. Lossing, is a textbook that was used in the United States in the 1800’s; it provides biographical sketches of each of the 56 signers, and also puts our Founding Documents in Historical perspective. This is a phenomenal book that should still be used in Schools today, or at the very least, be read by every American.

jefferson-lies-barton_custom-bd8bb95b53259002f2fd9f27e6b2fb8294eaf8f0-s6-c30 The Jefferson Lies by David Barton 

The Jefferson Lies is a book surrounded by controversy, but one that we here at the Bottom Line believe does a superb job of disproving many of the myths that have been told about Founding Father Thomas Jefferson. While author David Barton has been attacked by both the Left and the Right for supposed errors, we believe Barton’s research speaks for itself (Barton also gives masterful responses to his critics here, here, and here). We encourage everyone to go out and purchase this book, but to also make sure they obtain the updated copy which contains much more documentation that the original publisher, (Thomas Nelson Inc.) had removed from the final product.

Founders BibleThe Founders’ Bible by David Barton 

“As America stands at the crossroads of history, there is a need for us to look back and rediscover the vision of those who laid the groundwork and built the foundation that made our nation great. The Founders’ Bible will renew your hope and invigorate your passion not only for America, but for the Word of God. Discover the Scriptures that the Founders used as the basis for our original founding documents, see what chapters inspired them in the fight for independence, understand the sacrifices they made because of their Biblically-based beliefs and learn about America as a Christian nation. (Description from Wallbuilders)



BibleDoctrine Bible Doctrine by Wayne Grudem

Grudem’s Bible Doctrine is an in-depth discussion on various Biblical Doctrines, which uses Scripture to explain itself; this, and Grudem’s longer work, Systematic Theology are good resources to have for anyone interested in the study of Christian doctrine and theology.

images What’s So Great About the Doctrines of Grace? by Richard D. Phillips

This small and easy to read book does a very good job explaining the Calvinist (and Biblical) view of what is known as “The Doctrines of Grace” (better understood by the acronym TULIP), and why holding to these views in not only right, but very important. We recommend this book to anyone interested in the Calvinist-Arminian debate, and Biblical doctrine in general.

book_r22 The Kingdom of the Cults by Walter Martin 

Kingdom of the Cults is the premier study guide for understanding in depth all the “Cult Religions” that inhabit our world. Religion experts Walter Martin and Hank Hanegraaff do a fantastic job in guiding the study of: The Kingdom of the Cults.

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